For an exact diagnosis and a target-oriented treatment it is necessary to look inside the tooth. EDG offers wide range of 2D and 3D CBCT Digital Radiography.

Through our research activities, our team is familiar with the newest scientific findings and it can meet the highest technological and professional expectations. For examinations and appraisals, we have a wide range of options. We use various imaging methods such as projection radiography, tomography and computer tomography, and also perform interventions. As an academic AADE institution, our focus lies on the study of dental, oral and jaw diseases as well on teaching.

Range of Services

We use the newest technology to enable a precise treatment for our patients through imaging methods.

Using panoramic X-rays, it is possible to assess the most common diseases in the jaw. To do this we use the most up-to-date technology of thin-layer tomography, which enables a much higher image quality that, until now, could only be reached with a miniature X-ray system.

Using this tecnique, high-resolution layer images can be produced which the computer then converts into three dimensions. In addition to the diagnosis of diseases of the jaw, these highly precise images also make possible the computer-aided planning and navigation of surgical procedures in the jaw.


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