Are You About To Undergo A Bone Graft Dental Procedure?
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Dear Patient,
If you are a candidate for dental implants or certain gum treatments which require a bone graft or bone augmentation procedure, you may find the following information helpful.


the material into the graft site

firmly for 3 seconds

with tension without using a membrane

A bone graft procedure attempts to correct a deficiency or defect in a patient’s bone. This correction can be performed by using bone originating from the patient himself, or by using specific materials, called “bone substitutes”.
Untreated gum (periodontal) diseases, extraction of a tooth, trauma, and various inflammations that cause bone deterioration. As a result, bone loss can also appear around existing teeth. In such an event, we will need to conduct a bone graft procedure around them in order to improve their integration.
In addition, bone graft dental procedures are also needed in areas without teeth, in order to insert implants and crowns thereafter. With the correct augmentation, it is possible to ensure both the desired bone quality and quantity, perform a successful implant procedure, and reach improved esthetic results.
Simply put, you can think of a dental implant as a screw that has to be screwed into a wall. Like the screw, if the implant does not have a place to be anchored into, then it will not have sufficient bone support, and it won’t be able to be well integrated.
It is exactly for this purpose that a bone substitute is needed; to stimulate bone growth by filling in areas where bone is missing or deficient. The purpose of the bone substitute is to act as a supporting platform or as a scaffolding, which will allow bone to be built in an area where there is bone deficiency, within a period of several months.
The outcome will depend on the specific bone substitute used and will result in either the bone substitute remaining at the graft site for some time or by the absorption and disappearance of the bone substitute while simultaneously being replaced by the patient’s own bone. This process of absorption, disappearance, and replacement is called bone regeneration.
There are several sources for bone substitutes, including Bone substitutes from a human origin (originating from human cadavers, and marketed through bone and tissue banks), from various animal sources or from synthetic materials, which are lab-produced and not from a live origin. Bond Apatite™ and 3D Bond™ are bone substitutes manufactured by Augma Biomaterials and are based on the mineral biphasic calcium sulfate.
This mineral completely resorbs and is replaced with the patient’s own bone. The material acts as a scaffolding for building the new bone, and completely disappears as it rebuilds itself. This means that the resulting outcome is perfect bone regeneration, which is the result most similar to using the patient’s own bone but without the additional surgical procedures and side effects.
The bone graft dental procedure takes between 45-90 minutes and is performed in your dentist’s clinic. The initial recovery period lasts about two weeks. Following the bone graft procedure, the waiting time until a solid bone mass is received is between 3-6 months, in most clinical cases. The cases in which the waiting time is longer are when either a sinus lift procedure is performed, or when an extensive bone deficiency exists.
In such cases, the waiting time is at least 5-6 months. The recovery time also depends on the type of bone substitute used, the complexity of the grafting procedure, and the location of the transplant in the mouth (upper or lower jaw).
Calcium Sulfate is a natural mineral used as a bone substitute. The calcium sulfate used in the medical field has a long history of use in bone augmentation. For over 120 years, this material has been used in orthopedics, plastic surgery, oral and maxillofacial surgery, and is among the most extensively researched and documented substances that exist.
Calcium sulfate is known for its extraordinary properties as a bone substitute and in encouraging bone formation. During the healing process, the material is absorbed and completely replaced by the patient’s own bone, without leaving any residue whatsoever.





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